
Prop Firms Reviews

Learn as much as you can about the prop firm. Check their website, social media, and any available customer reviews. Note the services they offer, their experience, credentials, and reputation. The more you know, the more helpful your review will be.

Prop Firms Reviews

So you’re interested in joining a prop firm to take your trading to the next level, huh? Before you sign on the dotted line, you need to do your homework. Prop firms come in all shapes and sizes, with various specialties, fee structures, and levels of support. How do you know which firm is the right fit for your trading style and experience?

That’s where we come in. We’ve reviewed some of the top prop firms to help you find the perfect match. We looked at key factors like their trading platforms, commission fees, training programs, and trader success rates. Whether you’re a newbie looking to learn the ropes or a seasoned pro wanting to boost your profits, there’s a prop firm for you. Stick with us as we explore your options and help you take this exciting next step in your trading journey.

What to Include in Your Prop Firm Review

When writing a review of a prop firm, there are a few things you'll want to include to help others determine if it's the right place for them.

Experience Level

Mention what level of trader the firm caters to - newbie, intermediate or advanced. As a new trader, you’ll want a firm focused on education and support. More experienced traders will want higher trade limits and less hand-holding.

Trading Platform

Describe the platforms and tools the firm provides for analyzing charts, executing trades and managing your positions. Are there desktop and mobile options? What kind of charting features are included? The more robust the platforms and tools, the better for active traders.

Customer Service

How responsive and helpful is their customer service team? Do they offer phone, email, and live chat support? Prop firms should value their clients and provide helpful resources for new and experienced traders.

Technology and Tools

Discuss the platforms, software, and tools the prop firm offers access too. Things like order execution, charting platforms, algorithms, and automation tools are important for active traders. Evaluate how intuitive and effective their technology is.

Capital and Leverage

Explain the account types offered, minimum deposits, and how much leverage is provided for different instruments like stocks, options, futures or forex. More capital and higher leverage means greater potential for profits but also bigger losses, so make sure their offerings match your needs and risk tolerance.

Fees and Commissions

Compare the prop firm's fees to competitors. Lower fees mean you keep more of your profits. Discuss any commissions, subscription costs, data fees, and financing charges. Watch out for hidden fees as well.

Overall Impressions

Share your overall experience with the prop firm. Would you recommend them to a friend? Discuss both the positives as well as any downsides. Your balanced review will help others determine if the firm is the right fit for their trading needs. With the right prop firm behind you, you'll be trading like a pro in no time!

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Helpful Prop Firm Review

Want to write a helpful prop firm review? Here are the steps to follow:

Do your research

First, learn as much as you can about the prop firm. Check their website, social media, and any available customer reviews. Note the services they offer, their experience, credentials, and reputation. The more you know, the more helpful your review will be.

Highlight the good and bad

Point out both the positive and negative aspects of working with the prop firm. For example, you might praise their responsive customer service but note turnaround times could improve. Be constructive with any criticisms.

Provide recommendations

Finally, indicate whether or not you would recommend the prop firm to others. If you do recommend them, specify who would benefit most from their services. If not, explain your reasons to help readers determine if they’re the right choice for their needs.

Following these steps will result in an informative review others will find helpful in evaluating prop firms. By being thorough, balanced and specific, your review can make a real difference to readers researching their options. So take the time to create a thoughtful review—it’s worth the effort!

Share your overall experience

Explain what you thought of the firm overall in 2-3 sentences. Were the brokers knowledgeable and helpful? Did you feel supported as a new trader? Would you recommend them to a friend? Give a balanced perspective based on your impression.

Highlight what you liked

-Low broker fees and competitive commissions

-Modern trading platform with useful tools and resources

-Experienced brokers who gave helpful advice

-Strong educational offerings to assist new traders

Use bullet points to list 3-4 of your favorite things about the prop firm. Expand on each point with a sentence or two of details and explanations.

Note any room for improvement

In a constructive way, mention 1-2 areas where the firm could improve to provide readers with a balanced review. For example, limited trading hours, outdated technology systems, lack of diversity, or limited product offerings. Briefly explain your suggestions while also acknowledging the overall positives.

End with an overall recommendation

Wrap up your review by clearly stating whether or not you would recommend this prop firm to others and why or why not in 2-3 sentences. Thank the readers for their time and wish them the best in finding a prop firm.

Share your experience

Next, describe your experience using the prop firm’s services. Explain which services you used, how long you’ve been a client, and your overall satisfaction. Share specific examples to support your points. Mention any pros and cons so readers get a balanced sense of what to expect.

Prop Connect

You can always share your experience on our website PropConnect

It serves as a leading online review community dedicated exclusively to prop firms, providing traders with the opportunity to rate and review prop firms or explore other traders reviews. By leveraging the power of social feedback, PropConnect is actively driving the industry towards higher quality and improved service.


So there you have it, an overview of some of the top prop firms out there today. Now you've got the details to determine which firm might be the best fit for you and your trading style. Whether you're looking to trade stocks, futures or forex, there are opportunities at prop firms for traders of all experience levels. The potential to earn a great income while gaining valuable experience is appealing. But do your due diligence, understand the risks and costs involved, and make sure any firm you consider is properly registered and regulated. If you go in with realistic expectations, develop your skills, and find the right firm and mentor to help you along the way, a career as a proprietary trader could be very rewarding. The only thing left to do is take that first step and start applying. Good luck!


Author : Tim Shimray
Content Manager
Publish Date : 16 August 2023

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