
Are prop firms trustworthy ?

Traders are given training and access to the firm's trading platforms, capital, and risk management systems. In exchange, the traders get to keep a percentage of the profits they generate, usually between 10 to 50% depending on the firm and the trader's experience.

Are prop firms trustworthy ?

So you've been trading stocks for a while now and feel like you've got the hang of it. Your results are pretty consistent and you think you might have what it takes to do this professionally. The idea of trading for a living definitely appeals - no more 9-5, be your own boss, work from anywhere. The only problem is, how do you get started? Prop firms are one option. They provide the capital and infrastructure for traders to ply their craft. In exchange, they take a share of the profits. Sounds like a good deal, right?

What Are Prop Firms and How Do They Work?

Prop firms are companies that trade stocks, bonds, commodities, and other financial instruments. Instead of managing money for clients, they trade their own capital.

The way prop firms work is fairly straightforward. They hire traders, often right out of college, to trade the firm's money and generate profits. Traders are given training and access to the firm's trading platforms, capital, and risk management systems. In exchange, the traders get to keep a percentage of the profits they generate, usually between 10 to 50% depending on the firm and the trader's experience.

While potentially very lucrative, working for a prop firm also comes with risks. Since traders are using the firm's capital, they can face significant losses if trades go against them. Prop firms provide training, but many still wash out within the first year. However, for ambitious traders, prop firms offer an opportunity to learn the ropes and potentially earn a sizable income through trading profits.

The Pros and Cons of Trading With a Prop Firm

So, should you trust a prop firm to trade with? There are some pros and cons to consider.

The Pros

Prop firms provide resources and tools for new traders to get started, like training, mentoring, and risk management strategies. They handle the paperwork and regulations so you can focus on trading. Some even provide capital to trade with.

-Access to tools and data: Prop firms offer platforms, software, news feeds, and analytics to help you make informed decisions.

-Potential to earn good money: If you’re successful, prop firms allow you to keep a percentage of the profits. Top traders can make a very comfortable living.

The Cons

However, there are some downsides to be aware of before signing up with a prop firm.

-Lack of flexibility: Prop firms have rules around how much risk you can take on. They monitor your trades closely and can intervene if you don’t follow their guidelines.

-Lots of pressure: There is pressure to perform and meet profit targets. If you have a few losing trades, the firm may close your account.

-Hidden fees: Some prop firms charge exorbitant fees for training, data, and platform access that cut into your profits. Make sure you understand all costs before joining.

With some smart vetting, prop firms can be a good way for new traders to get started. But go in with realistic expectations, choose a firm that fits your needs, and be prepared for volatility. Success is never guaranteed, but with the right prop firm behind you, you'll have the tools and support to thrive.

Forex prop firms reviews

When it comes to forex prop firms, it can be hard to know who to trust. On the one hand, prop firms offer new traders a chance to trade with the firm’s capital rather than their own, reducing risk. But on the other hand, some prop firms are scammy and untrustworthy. So how do you spot the good from the bad?

Reviews and references

One of the best ways to determine if a prop firm is legit is to check out reviews from current or former traders. See what people are saying on sites like PropConnect or even the prop firm’s social media pages. Look for details about ease of withdrawals, transparency, and support. If reviews seem overly positive or are sparse, that could be a red flag.

It's also a good idea to ask the prop firm for references from a couple current traders you can actually speak with. Ask them about their experience with the firm, how long withdrawals take, and if there are any hidden fees or clauses to watch out for.

Regulation and compliance

Choose a prop firm that is regulated by a major agency like the NFA or FCA. Regulated firms must meet strict standards for capital requirements, reporting, and risk management. They also offer certain legal protections for traders. Unregulated prop firms could disappear with your money and you’d have little recourse.

Check if the prop firm is a member of any industry groups like the CFTC or NFA. Membership in these organizations shows a commitment to ethics and standards.

Realistic promises

Beware of prop firms that promise huge profits with little risk or effort. The forex market is complex, and there are no shortcuts. Legit prop firms will be upfront that profits require work, skill, experience and sometimes losses as well.

If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Use your common sense, trust your instincts, and don’t get blinded by the appeal of “free money.” Do your due diligence, ask lots of questions, and make sure you fully understand how the firm operates before funding an account. With the right prop firm, you can gain valuable experience as you work to become a profitable trader. But choose wisely!

Reviews of Top Prop Firms: Which Ones Are Legitimate and Trustworthy?

When looking for legitimate prop firms to work with, reviews from real traders can help determine which ones are trustworthy. Here are some of the top prop firms according to reviews, along with what traders say about them:


Traders give TopstepTrader high marks for its structured trading combines, performance evaluations, and payouts. The firm provides traders with a funded account if they pass the evaluation. “Topstep gives you a true funded trading opportunity if you show you have the skills,” says one reviewer. However, some note the evaluation process can be difficult to pass.

OneUp Trader

OneUp Trader also gets strong reviews for providing funding opportunities and a 50% payout of profits. “They give you a chance to trade with a real account and keep half the profits. The owner is very transparent and helpful,” says a reviewer. However, some traders comment that the firm’s trading requirements may be hard for new traders to achieve.


FTMO is a popular prop firm for new and experienced traders alike. It offers up to $400k in funding and a 70% profit share. “FTMO has the best offer for funded accounts and a high payout. They seem very professional,” says one trader. However, some reviewers note withdrawal conditions that must be met to withdraw profits from your funded account.

The legitimacy and trustworthiness of any prop firm ultimately comes down to the transparency of their operations, quality of their trading opportunities and education, and fairness of their profit sharing terms according to the reviews and experiences of real traders. Looking at multiple reviews from different sources can help determine if a firm is right for you before signing on to trade with them.


So there you have it, the truth about prop firms in 100 words or less. While some bad actors exist, prop firms can be legitimate and trustworthy. The key is doing your homework. Check reviews on our website PropConnect, ask around, understand their business model and fees.

 A good prop firm wants you to succeed so they can succeed. They'll invest in you and your trading education. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. But if you find the right partner, prop firms can be the perfect way to level up your trading, gain valuable experience, and start making a living from the markets. The opportunity is there, you just have to be willing to look for it.

Author : Tim Shimray
Content Manager
Publish Date : 17 August 2023

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