
TopTier Trader Excludes Multiple Countries Because of Abnormal Trading Behavior

TopTier Trader has banned certain countries from trading at their own firm due to unethical trading behaviors that have been detected in such countries. This decision will have an impact on all traders from these countries.

Leading trading site TopTier Trader recently revealed that it will no longer offer its services to citizens of certain nations. Vietnam, Egypt, Pakistan, Kenya, Romania, the United Kingdom, Turkey, India, Germany, and the Czech Republic are among the nations impacted by this decision.

Following the discovery of unusual trading patterns inside these jurisdictions, this decision was made. TopTier Trader stresses that it is totally forbidden to engage in any commerce with these nations. Any such behavior will lead to an instant violation of their rules and, without limitation, the forfeiture of profits. 

TopTier Trader understands that some of their traders may be impacted by this adjustment. They do, however, reassure their users that they are dedicated to making the move as seamless as possible. TopTier Trader will reimburse challenge costs to traders who have active accounts in certain regions. Refunds will also be given to customers whose accounts are in drawdown, in accordance with the amount of the account's remaining drawdown limit.

In an effort to preserve the integrity of their platform and honour their commitment to compliance, TopTier Trader values the cooperation and understanding of its traders.

Author : Prop Connect
Publish Date : 16 February 2024

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