
Partnership Between Plane and Rocket21

As a committed private trading company, they constantly implement the best techniques to assist traders, satisfy their requirements, and stay clear of payout problems.

Rocket 21 is a unique proprietary trading platform that offers a two-part evaluation method. The first phase is called Rocket 21 Challenge and has an 8% profit target on the starting amount. The second step is called Rocket 21 Verification and has a 5% profit target. Successful traders can scale up to $2 million in virtual capital by becoming Rocket Traders, who operate in a simulated corporation.

Rocket21 has joined with Plane, their new payment associate, and has temporarily stopped working with Wise. In addition to offering direct transfers and alternatives for numerous currencies in more than 70 countries, Plane offers services in over 240 countries. Look for their user manuals whenever you want to use Plane.

Author : Prop Connect
Publish Date : 04 January 2024

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