
New Approaches to Top-Tier Trading

TopTier Trader protects the integrity of the platform, helps traders improve their skills for success by mimicking actual trading, and forbids the implementation of dangerous strategies that could result in significant losses.

TopTier Trader is a proprietary trading company based in US. It offers a unique entry point into the trading industry, with funding of up to $600,000 available to traders who clear their two-tier assessment. Here is a quick rundown of how it functions:

To be able to access a funded account, traders must complete a two-phase challenge program. They may take up to 90% of your virtual profits as their profit split. TopTier Trader supports forex and other CFDs, such as indices, metals, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. Its goal is to assist traders in becoming wealthy and successful in the financial market.

By simulating actual market conditions, TopTier's operating strategy is focused on helping traders hone their abilities to achieve consistent success. Stated differently, a crucial component of TopTier's function is ensuring that traders who achieve success on their platform will also benefit in real-world market scenarios.

Because of this, they are unable to approve trading strategies that are risky and might result in significant losses under actual market conditions. They will be implementing the following secure trade protocols right now in order to support these initiatives:

The Violations They Will Track:

1. Account cycling: it is the process of obtaining the maximum number of evaluation accounts, trying to use them in a cyclical fashion, and forfeiting accounts when necessary.

2. Speculative Trading: Engaging in trading without a clear plan or strategy that mimics high-risk betting or gambling.

3. Position stacking: To get around risk limits, open large positions on a single instrument sequentially.

4. Collective Hedging: Using opposing positions on the platform as a risk management tactic.

5. Excessive Leverage: Going over what is appropriate for trading leverage.

The following is how penalties for accounts with infractions will be applied:

1. First-Time Offender: Caution.

2. Yellow Card Second Offense: This means that all accounts will not get a payment check for 20 business days and that any future infractions will result in a reduction in leverage.

3. Third Offense: Yellow Card: An extra 60-day reduction in leverage and a delayed payout check on every account are the consequences of this offense.

4. Fourth Offense: Red Card: Delays payout checks and significantly reduces leverage for all accounts for 120 business days.

5. Fifth Offense: Permanent Exclusion from the Platform (Black Card).

To encourage cautious trading, they are adding additional measures in addition to these penalties:

1. Economic occurrences Limitation: Special measures are used to reduce risk during noteworthy economic occurrences.

2. Strike Revocation Criteria: Conditions that allow a penalty to be reduced or withdrawn in response to consistent and ethical trading behavior.

3. Penalty Escalation: Details on how fines might go up in response to repeated violations.

4. Payment Denial or Diminution: Should a breach be discovered, they reserve the right to refuse or reduce payouts.

Author : Prop Connect
Publish Date : 11 January 2024

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