
Glow Node and RiseWork Partnered Together

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In order to streamline payouts for traders, Glow Node and RiseWorks have publicly announced their partnership. RiseWorks, commonly referred to as Rise, is a platform that provides Web3-enabled payroll and compliance solutions for today's workforce. It offers a quick and flexible way to hire, onboard, and pay teams located all around the world in cash or bitcoin, all from one central location. The site accepts payments in a number of digital and local currencies. Rise helps many workers and businesses write contracts that adhere to regional laws, pay their international staff in the currency and mode of payment of their choice, and stay compliant in more than 150 nations. It also offers services like professional agreements, handling of tax and compliance, automatic onboarding and compliance checks, variable pay schedules, instant bulk payouts, and worldwide health and travel insurance. Both conventional and crypto-focused enterprises use the platform to grow their worldwide workforces while maintaining security, flexibility, and compliance.

Sam Bradbury and Ryan Beasley established Glow Node, a UK-based proprietary trading company, in April 2022. The company offers a variety of trading instruments in addition to a paid trading program. With regard to trading challenges, Glow Node provides a number of options, letting traders choose the kind of task, the amount of their trading account, and the trading platform of their choice. Glow Node also makes it possible for traders to request payouts quickly, allowing them to do so every 14 days following an initial 14-day period. Every week, Glow Node offers free live education and training courses to help traders improve their approach and comprehension of trading psychology.

Author : Prop Connect
Publish Date : 13 December 2023

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