
FundedNext has Chosen to Temporarily Stop Accepting New Registrations From the United States

FundedNext wants to emphasize that all of their current US clients can keep using their platform to trade normally. Nevertheless, at this time, new registrations and account resets won't be feasible

This decision is the result of a careful examination of the trading platform, service, and compliance procedures, as well as recent events. With the goal of quickly returning to serving the United States, FundedNext is presently assessing how best to adjust to the current situation. They want to provide the community with an update on this issue, maybe in the upcoming month. 

All new FundedNext registrations from the United States are currently halted. Proactive actions have always taken precedence over reactive ones at FundedNext. To avoid grey labelling problems and comply with trading platform standards, they quickly moved from working with outside brokerages to owning their own servers. 

In addition, they took care to obtain the relevant "trading" licenses, acknowledging the significance of Platforms 4 and 5 for their traders and promising to safeguard them. Long-term success has always been the main priority for FundedNext. 

This prompted them to develop their own exclusive technology from the ground up, obtain ownership of trading platform licenses, and put together a strong, independent staff of three hundred skilled workers. They take all necessary precautions to ensure their sustainability and scalability, so they are always prepared for growth. They have faith in the choice they made. 

FundedNext's dedication to serving the best interests of its clients and the sector is unrelenting. You may be sure that they are getting ready to return stronger and more prepared than before to assist merchants.

Author : Prop Connect
Publish Date : 14 February 2024

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