
FTMO Introducing The Double Balance Card

An exciting new element to the FTMO Loyalty Rewards. Traders can double the size of their account for the FTMO challenges they have purchased with this special Double Balance Card.

Acknowledging losing streaks and pursuing profits are essential components of trading, as any experienced trader knows. FTMO shares this perspective and rewards clients who demonstrate a commitment to risk management and consistently produce favorable outcomes.

All consumers who meet the requirements by October 31, 2023 will receive a Double Balance Card. With this card, they can trade with an account size that is double the amount of the FTMO Challenge they bought. Traders that successfully finish the FTMO Challenge, regardless of size, will trade with twice as much money during the verification stage when they use the Double Balance Card. The doubled starting balance that traders had during the verification phase will remain in their FTMO account if they successfully finish it. 

For example, after successfully completing the FTMO Challenge and Verification phases, anyone who purchases a $200,000 FTMO Challenge can trade up to $400,000 on an FTMO Account. Every client who satisfied these requirements received direct email communication as well as a notice on The Double Balance Card remains valid until June 30, 2024, and traders can only utilize it for new orders placed from December 7, 2023 onwards. Before making their first transaction, traders must attach this card to their particular FTMO Challenge in order to use it in the MetriX App. The card won't work otherwise. 

Some conditions to get the double balance card are: 

Maintaining consistency is the cornerstone of a profitable trading profession. For this reason, traders may now regularly track their progress with the Consistency Score that FTMO has included in the MetriX App. Thus, the first prerequisite for a Double Balance Card is satisfied by FTMO traders who have continuously achieved a consistency score of 80% or above across all of their FTMO accounts.

Receiving rewards indicates to FTMO traders that they are capable of making money, that their trading plan works, and that their success is not only a result of luck. Thus, traders will meet the second prerequisite for the Double Balance Card if, by October 31, 2023, they have received at least three payouts from FTMO.

This loyalty reward is intended exclusively for committed FTMO traders who have earned their trust and confidence. For this reason, they have included registration requirements. Therefore, all of their clients who signed up with FTMO before November 1, 2022, satisfy the Double Balance Card's third requirement.

Author : Prop Connect
Publish Date : 09 December 2023

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