
E8 Funding Has Relaunched The 400k Track Account

E8 Funding announces the release of a fascinating new addition to their offers, designed to revolutionize traders trading journeys and significantly improve their experience during this time of exceptional opportunities.

A proprietary trading company called E8 Funding offers funding to traders all around the world. They provide traders with a virtual E8 Funding account where they can trade with up to $1,000,000. Eighty percent of profits go to the traders. Among the special qualities of E8 funding there are no maximum trading days, which allows traders to trade without being constrained by deadlines. 

Following eight days of profitable trading in the account, the first withdrawals are permitted. With a scalable drawdown, traders can increase it by 1% for each withdrawal, up to a maximum total of 14%. For E8 Account, they provide a two-phase review method; for E8 Track, they offer a special three-phase examination.

In response to popular demand, E8 Funding is thrilled to offer their largest account, the $400K Account on E8 Track. This $400K account is designed to give traders the ability to work at a higher level, opening doors to new achievements. They understand the importance of setting reasonable objectives when trading. Consequently, they changed the profit targets on E8 Track from the prior 8/5/5 format to a more manageable 5/5/5 format. This change is their way of helping traders end the year strong.

E8 Funding's goal is to give forex traders all around the world opportunities. They have created innovative assessment tools and easily navigable trading platforms, allowing traders to study, make money, and trade from anywhere in the world.

Author : Prop Connect
Publish Date : 21 December 2023

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