
Recent developments concerning MyForexFunds (MFF) - What's the story behind it?

MFF has made an announcement regarding the freezing of their bank accounts and the need for regulation. Numerous traders have reported that trading has been disabled on their MyForexFunds (MFF) accounts.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has decided to expand the authority of national securities associations like the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) to include previously exempt proprietary trading firms. This move aims to improve market efficiency, fairness, and transparency, especially in treasury markets because of FINRA's post-trade reporting requirements.

Under the previous rules, proprietary trading firms that were exclusive members of an exchange had less stringent oversight and were less transparent compared to those registered with FINRA. Commissioner Jaime Lizárraga pointed out that amendments have been made to address this disparity and enforce reporting of treasury trades across all firms.

Previously, some firms could conduct unlimited proprietary trading of securities off-member-exchange without FINRA oversight, but these loopholes have now been narrowed. SEC Chair Gary Gensler recognized that markets have drastically changed since the previous rules were introduced back in 1976, and this has allowed a number of firms with multi-billion-dollar monthly trading volume to avoid national securities association oversight. The SEC amendments are designed to close this regulatory gap.

Author : Prop Connect
Publish Date : 01 September 2023

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