
The Impact of Prop Firms Lowering Trading Day Requirements on the Industry

Overall, lowering the barriers to receiving funding is beneficial for ambitious new traders looking to get started. At the same time, prop firms will need to be diligent in order to fund only those traders truly ready and committed to sustainable success

The Impact of Prop Firms Lowering Trading Day Requirements on the Industry

Ever wonder how those flashy prop firms that sponsor your favorite trading influencers on social media actually work? Lately, a lot of the big names in the prop trading world have been slashing the number of days you need to trade to unlock a funded account. Places like FTMO used to require 30-90 days of solid trading to prove you had the skills to manage their money. Now they're dropping that down to just zero days.

For us aspiring traders, that sounds like a sweet deal. A faster track to getting access to a chunk of change to really start building your account. But is it too good to be true? Are prop firms just getting desperate to sign on traders in a competitive market? Or is there something else going on here we should know about before jumping into one of these quick-fund offers?

How Lower Trading Days Requirements Benefit Traders

If you're an aspiring trader looking to get funded by a prop firm, the lowering of required trading days is fantastic news. Some of the top firms have cut their minimums in half, down to just 10-15 trading days to qualify for an account.

This benefits you in a few ways. For one, you can access funding much faster. Instead of trading for a month or more to meet the old requirements, you'll be funded and trading your own account within a couple of weeks.

Secondly, the lower barrier to entry means you have more opportunities to try out different prop firms to find the right match. If one doesn't work out, just switch to another firm and you've only lost a few days of time. You can shop around at multiple places without as much risk.

For prop firms, lowering trading days needed is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it allows them to evaluate more traders in less time, increasing their pool of potential candidates. However, it also means traders may not be as thoroughly vetted, and the prop firm risks funding those not quite ready to trade on their own.

There is also the possibility of traders "gaming the system" by temporarily modifying their strategy just to meet the minimum trading days. They may revert to riskier methods once funded that the prop firm would not actually approve of. Prop firms will need to closely monitor funded traders to ensure they continue to follow the firm's trading standards.

Overall, lowering the barriers to receiving funding is beneficial for ambitious new traders looking to get started. At the same time, prop firms will need to be diligent in order to fund only those traders truly ready and committed to sustainable success. With the proper safeguards and oversight in place, reducing required trading days can be a win-win for both traders and prop firms.

How Prop Firms Lowering Trading Days Affects Traders

As a trader, lowering the required trading days to activate your account seems like a good thing. More opportunities to trade means more chances to profit, right? Well, not necessarily. While shorter verification periods may benefit some traders, especially new ones still learning the ropes, it also introduces some risks.

For you as a trader, the main pros are obvious: faster access to your trading capital and the ability to start earning real money sooner. The shorter time frame also allows you to get a better sense of how the prop firm's system and risk management policies actually work in less time.

However, the shortened evaluation period works both ways. It also means the prop firm has less time to fully assess your trading skills and risk profile before giving you access to their capital. This could allow riskier traders to slip through the cracks. If a trader ends up losing a significant amount of the firm's money due to poor risk management or lack of skill, it hurts both parties.

The increased competition among prop firms is a double-edged sword. While the option to choose a firm with a shorter verification period may seem appealing, make sure you go in with realistic expectations. No matter the time frame, there is no shortcut to becoming a consistently profitable trader. Rushing the process could end up costing you more money in the long run and damaging your relationship with the prop firm.

For the prop firms themselves, lowering the bar for traders to access capital may lead to higher loss rates if riskier traders are let through. However, it also allows them to evaluate more traders in a shorter time, increasing the chance of finding consistently profitable ones. The key is finding the right balance to minimize risk but still encourage and support newer traders.

The Aggressive Competition Between Prop Firms

The prop trading industry is intensely competitive, with firms constantly trying to one-up each other to attract new traders. One of the latest moves has been drastically lowering the minimum number of trading days required to activate an account after passing a firm’s evaluation program. On the surface, this seems like a win-win—traders get funded faster, and prop firms get more traders using their capital.

However, some potential downsides exist for both sides. For traders, less experience can mean lower profit potential. Jumping into live trading too quickly increases the risk of making costly mistakes that could significantly cut into profits or even blow up an account. Trading with a firm’s money and capital also brings added pressures that can negatively impact performance if not prepared for.

For prop firms, the risks are also real. With lower barriers to getting funded come higher chances of funding traders not quite ready for the responsibility. This could lead to higher loss rates, especially for newer firms still building up their capital bases. The “spray and pray” method of accepting more traders in hopes a few will become profitable is a dangerous game that often doesn’t end well.

Some argue that the reduced trading days encourage higher risk/reward styles rather than the methodical and well-planned trading required to activate an account under more stringent rules. This could promote the wrong mindset and behaviors for long term success. However, others counter that experienced traders with a proven track record should have more flexibility to access funding as their needs require.

There are good arguments on both sides. For traders, the most important thing is making sure you have a high probability trading system and the discipline to execute it properly before using a firm’s money. For prop firms, strong risk management practices and vetting processes are key to thriving with more lenient challenge requirements. With the right balance, lowering trading days could open up opportunities for talented traders and continue driving healthy competition. But taken too far, it may end up doing more harm than good for the prop industry as a whole.

The Future of Prop Firm Challenges

The prop trading industry is evolving rapidly, and the competition between firms is intensifying. To stay ahead, many leading prop firms have started lowering the minimum number of trading days required to activate funded accounts in their “challenge” programs. For traders, this means faster access to funding and the opportunity to start earning payouts sooner. However, it also brings some risks and downsides worth considering.

For traders, the obvious benefit is activating your account faster. Rather than waiting 6-12 months to get funded, you could be earning payouts in 3-6 months. The shorter time frame also allows you to iterate and optimize your strategy faster based on the firm’s trading rules and risk metrics. However, the reduced experience could make you more prone to costly mistakes as you’re still learning the ropes. There’s also more pressure to perform quickly which could lead to emotional trading and poor risk management.

For prop firms, lowering trading days boosts the appeal of their program and allows them to evaluate and potentially fund more traders. However, it also introduces more risk since traders have less experience. Firms may face higher failure and attrition rates, especially if traders are not fully prepared for the challenges of live trading. To mitigate risk, firms will likely enforce stricter risk controls and increase the difficulty of challenges.

Overall, reducing the number of trading days required in prop firm challenges is a double-edged sword. For ambitious traders eager to get funded, it provides an accelerated path to earning potential. However, both traders and firms need to go in with realistic expectations. Traders must ensure they have a proven strategy and sufficient experience, while firms need to closely monitor risk. If implemented responsibly, lower trading days could benefit both parties and continue to drive more innovation in the prop trading industry. But if taken to the extreme, it may produce more failures than success stories.


So there you have it. The lowering of trading day requirements to activate funded accounts is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it provides you more flexibility and opportunities to get funded faster. The lower barrier to entry means you can start making money through the prop firm sooner. At the same time, the prop firms may face higher risks of underqualified traders getting funded and potentially losing money. There is also a chance the integrity of their evaluation process may be compromised.

As with most things in life, moderation is key. Finding the right balance between high standards and accessibility will allow prop firms to continue providing value to serious traders looking for a foot in the door, while still maintaining high profitability. For you, the trader, stay focused on proper risk management and developing your edge. Getting funded is only the first step; the real challenge is keeping your account and producing consistent returns. But with hard work and perseverance, the rewards can be well worth it. Keep your eyes on the prize and happy trading!

Author : Tim Shimray
Content Manager
Publish Date : 14 July 2023
Tags : Prop Firm

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