
3 Reasons Why You Should Trade For A Prop Trading Firm

With a prop firm, you don't have to come up with the full amount required to trade the products you're interested in. They'll fund a majority of it, in some cases up to 90% or more. All you need to put up is a refundable security deposit.

3 Reasons Why You Should Trade For A Modern Prop Trading Firm

Ever wonder why so many traders are flocking to modern prop firms these days? It seems like the old school broker model is dying out in favor of these upstarts with their slick technology and trading floors filled with monitors. The truth is, prop trading firms aren’t just for the new kids on the block. There are some compelling reasons why you, even as an experienced trader, should consider making the switch.

1. Access to a Diverse Community of Traders

Forget the old stereotypes of prop traders being young math whizzes straight out of college. Prop firms today attract top talent from all backgrounds and levels of experience. The firms know that diversity leads to better ideas and insights, which translates into better returns.

If you’re still trading from your home office and managing your own funds, you’re missing out on the chance to learn from others and bounce ideas around. At a prop firm, you’ll join a community of talented traders and have opportunities to collaborate. Two heads are better than one, and in trading, multiple perspectives can lead to new strategies you may never discover on your own.

2. Access to Funding: Prop Firms Provide Capital to Trade

Prop firms provide the capital you need to trade futures, forex, stocks or whatever markets you want to get into. They'll fund your trading account so you can access markets that would otherwise be out of reach for most retail traders.

With a prop firm, you don't have to come up with the full amount required to trade the products you're interested in. They'll fund a majority of it, in some cases up to 90% or more. All you need to put up is a refundable security deposit.

Because they provide leverage, you can open larger positions and potentially generate bigger profits. Your gains are amplified, allowing you to build wealth faster. Of course, losses are also amplified, so you have to manage risk carefully. But if you have a proven trading strategy and the discipline to stick to it, the rewards of trading on margin can be substantial.

Another benefit is that you may be able to keep a larger percentage of your profits, sometimes up to 80-90%. Prop firms make money when you make money, so they're incentivized to help you succeed. They provide resources like trading software, video courses, live trading rooms, and mentorships to help sharpen your skills.

3. Keep More of Your Profits: Higher Payouts and Incentives

Trading modern props allows you to keep more of the profits for yourself. Many prop firms offer higher payouts, bonuses, and incentives for trading popular markets like Bitcoin, Tesla, and high-volume ETFs.

Why miss out on bigger paydays? With higher margins, you’ll get a bigger cut of the profits from each trade. Some prop firms offer payouts of up to 90% for high-volume instruments. Compare that to the 70-80% you might get trading less popular markets. Those extra percentage points can add up to thousands more in your pocket each month.

Prop firms also often run promotions and contests centered around the most active markets. They might offer cash prizes, bonus payouts, or other perks for trading a certain number of lots in a hot market. These incentives are a great way to boost your bottom line.

Trading the markets that everyone’s watching gives you more opportunities to take advantage of volatility and price swings. Bitcoin and Tesla, for example, frequently see price movements of 5-10% or more in a single day. With the right trading strategy, those price swings can lead to big profits.

Prop Firms Adapt to Current Market Conditions

Prop firms have adapted to massive changes in the markets and technology. Here are three reasons why trading with a modern prop firm is ideal:

  • They Utilize Cutting-Edge Technology: Modern prop firms leverage the latest technology to help their traders be successful. Things like automated trading platforms with powerful charting and analysis tools, smart order routing to get you the best fills, robust risk management systems to protect your capital, and mobile apps so you can trade on the go. Staying on the cutting edge of fintech gives prop traders access to tools that give them an advantage.
  • They Focus on Popular Asset Classes: The markets are always evolving, and so are the assets being traded. Contemporary prop firms trade what’s popular now like cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.), futures (commodities, indices, etc.), foreign exchange (Forex), and options. By focusing on currently active and liquid markets, prop firms can provide more opportunities for their traders. They aren’t stuck in the past trading outdated products.
  • They Offer Flexibility and Support: Modern prop firms aim to provide flexibility and support for their traders. Things such as the ability to trade remotely or in an office environment, access to experienced trading mentors and coaches, ongoing education and training programs, and competitive payouts, fees, and commission structures. The goal is to give traders the freedom and backing they need to be profitable. Prop firms succeed when their traders succeed, so they do all they can to help set them up for success.

FAQs: Everything You Need to Know About Prop Trading

So you’ve decided to become a prop trader. That’s great! Prop trading can be an exciting career with a lot of potential rewards. However, there are a few things you should know before getting started.

What exactly is prop trading?
Prop trading, or proprietary trading, is when a firm trades stocks, bonds, derivatives, and other financial instruments with its own money to generate a profit. As a prop trader, you’ll be responsible for making these trades on the firm’s behalf in hopes of financial gain. The key is that you’re trading the company’s capital, not your own.

How do prop traders get paid?
Most prop trading firms offer traders a percentage of the profits they generate, known as a “payout” or “profit share.” Traders usually receive between 70-90% of the profits from their successful trades. Some firms also offer a base salary. The more you trade and the more profitable you are, the more you can earn. Seasoned traders at major firms can make $100K-$500K per year or more.

Do you need any qualifications?
The qualifications to become a prop trader vary between firms. Typically, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree, preferably in finance, economics, or a related field. Strong analytical and math skills are a must. Some firms also require Series 7 and 63 licenses. While not always required, having trading experience, whether professional or not, is highly valuable. Some firms have training programs for inexperienced traders to help you get up to speed.

Prop trading isn’t easy, but if you have a mind for the markets and desire to succeed, it can be an exciting and lucrative career. Do your research, find the right firm for you, and get ready to trade your way to the top!


So there you have it, three compelling reasons why you should consider trading with a modern prop firm. They have the experience, resources, and technology to help you reach your full potential as a trader. The days of trading from your parents’ basement are over. It’s time to take your skills to the next level and see what you can accomplish with the backing of a professional firm. Forget what you’ve heard about prop firms being sharks that will take advantage of you. The new generation of firms are looking for partnership and mutual success. They only make money when you make money. So do yourself a favor and reach out to a few firms. See what they have to offer. You have nothing to lose and a thrilling new career to gain. The opportunity is there if you’re willing to take it. Why not take a chance on yourself and finally become the trader you were meant to be? You’ve got this! Now go and crush it.

Author : Tim Shimray
Content Manager
Publish Date : 19 July 2023

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